

With respect to Shroomies NFTs, they are solely digital art and nothing more. Any and all utility defined in this Lightpaper cannot be guaranteed to Shroomies NFT holders and can be changed at any moment. The value of Shroomies NFTs should be based ONLY on their digital art value. The Shroomies Lightpaper is a dynamic document and will be subject to continuous updates in response to changing legal and technical environments. This Lightpaper may be revised or altered; the most current version supersedes previous versions.

This statement, Shroomies Lightpaper, and the Shroomies Website do not constitute an offer to sell, a solicitation of an offer to buy, or a recommendation of any NFT, digital collectible, cryptocurrency, security, or any other product or service by Shroomies, or any other third party regardless of whether such NFT, digital collectible, cryptocurrency, security, product or service is referenced in any video, text, or on the Shroomies Website and LightPaper. Furthermore, nothing in this statement, Lightpaper, or the Shroomies website, is intended to provide tax, legal, or investment advice, and nothing in any video, or the Lightpaper and Website, should be construed as a recommendation to buy, sell, or hold any NFT, digital collectible, cryptocurrency, investment or security, nor to engage in any collection strategy, investment strategy or transaction in any jurisdiction. Shroomies does not represent that the NFTs, digital collectibles, cryptocurrencies, securities, or products are suitable for any particular collector or investor.

You are solely responsible for determining whether any NFT, investment, investment strategy, security, or related transaction is appropriate for you based on your personal NFT collection or investment objectives, financial circumstances, and risk tolerance. You should consult your business advisor, attorney, or tax and accounting advisor regarding your specific business, legal, or tax situation. The Shroomies team specifically disclaims any and all liability for any direct or consequential loss or damage of any kind whatsoever arising directly or indirectly from reliance on any information contained in the light paper or website, any error, omission, or inaccuracy in any such information, or any action resulting therefrom. This Lightpaper is strictly informational and should not be construed as financial advice. The Shroomies team bears no responsibility or liability in cases of loss resulting from acquiring any materials or products provided.

Last updated